Thursday, January 12, 2012

And from the past to the present

So I have been a member of a pole dancing studio since last June.  The owners really wanted me to perform in their fall recital that was last October.  I really wanted to do it.  I took the month of July off to help my man market his film which had a theatrical opening in August.  When I went back to class in the end of August, rehearsals for this recital had already began and I wasn't asked to be in it again. In hindsight, I should have spoke up and asked to jump into rehearsals.  But I was new to the studio and wasn't sure how things worked.

So fast forward, I've been training hard to get into the April recital. I had a chance to be on the team of this amazing acrobat.  It turns out the recital is on the same weekend that I will be in Coachella.  For anyone who has been to Coachella, if you're not camping, it's advisable to book your hotel room or whatever way in advance.  Your tickets as well.  This has sold out so quickly in the past.

So, I don't want to put the pressure on my man to sell the tickets/VIP passes.  I just feel like there is some sort of force telling me I am not suppose to perform professionally.  Just in strip clubs.

I'm glum, but I'll somehow get over it.  But you all know how old I am.  I'm a remarkable pole performer, but in reality, how long will my body sustain this kind of strength and energy?  I know there are some competitions coming up, but I'm not sure if my skills are up to compete with the big girls.  Maybe I can start a senior citizen pole division within the competitions?  Hmm.....

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