Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Subcribers & the Animal

I just wanted to extend a heartfelt thanks to my subscribers. It feels so wonderful to know that I am able to entertain you with my random musings about an industry that so many people think of as 'tabu', elicit or plain ol' dirty.

My last post was all about what was happening with me presently. Yeah, all about how I was going to take that audition because that solo spot in the recital was so rightfully mine, all mine.

Welllll.....that didn't happen.  I had been dancing and training like a teenage gymnast.  My left knee decided to start burning painfully just a week before my audition.  The few days before my audition, I was seen by a chiropractor , a doctor and a physical therapist.  The good news:  I didn't need surgery.  The bad:  after pole dancing off & on for 19 years and favoring my right side, it turns out I have a definite muscle imbalance .  Also, for the last year I have excelled on the pole so much that I had been neglecting my lower body.  My quads are weak.  Especially my left one.

This depressed me a lot for a little while.  However, I am now on the road to strengthen and center myself.

Which brings me to a dancer I knew in my past . I have mentioned her before.  She is the one and only Animal.  She was the wildest pole dancer I ever knew.  Her method of pole dancing was to grab the overhead horizontal bars, swing on them, let go in a chinese split in mid-air and end in a hard landing split.  No leg warmers, knee pads, stockings or any sort of protection.  Guess what?  She still does this occasionally.  She introduced me to a shot called a Blowjob.  She would down these with her hands behind her back while people cheered.

I was on yelp a couple of weeks ago. I was searching for reviews of the Brass Rail in Sunnyvale, CA.  There was a photo of a woman with wild blond hair, who did look older. She had this unmistakable  warrior look to her face.  Apparently, her real name is Charlotte. I messaged her and asked if the woman in the photo was the Animal.  She got back to me.  I was right!  

We've been messaging each other on yelp.  She is still there at the same club.  She has been a DJ there for 33 years.  She was dancing before that.  She had to have been at least in her early thirties when I started dancing there when I was 26.  She is at least 60 yrs old.

All those years working in what use to be a mid-level club, now a dive for many years.  I wouldn't have been able to do it.  To me it would have been like death.  I was working towards a different career, loved to travel and valued my privacy.  I would imagine after that long in one place, you would no longer be a mystery to any one.  Everyone would be up in yo' bizness!

But there are advantages: the Brass Rail is an independently owned club.  It's been a family business for over 40 years.  They have always offered medical benefits to their employees.  It's located in a somewhat desirable part of California.  They actually serve decent food there.  Workers get to eat gratis.

Animal was a dancer who hung out with motorcycle gangs and didn't have much of an education.  She did have that sexy kind of raspy, deep voice that came from cigarettes & whiskey.  Becoming a DJ was a natural progression.

Here's a toast to you, wild Animal:-)  (Knocks back a Blowjob).

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